Saturday 31 March 2007

Parkour Dreh in Essen

Hey Leute,
ich war letzte Woche in Essen und hatte dort einen Dreh für D-Motor/Motorvision.
Die Geschichte ist relativ einfach: Ein Skateboarder, Ben, Ein Powerriser, Kadir, und ein Parkourläufer, ich, behaupten, schneller durch Essen zu kommen als eine Rennfahrerin in dem neuen Dayhatsu Materia. Das ganze ist natürlich gestellt, um den Zuschauer vor dem fernseher zu fesseln Immer wieder kreuzen sich unsere Wege, und das Ganze sieht nah einem Kopf-an Kopf-Rennen aus.
Der Dreh hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht und der Spot in Essen ( Zeche - altes Kohle-Industriegebiet) war einfach genial. Sobald ich die DVD habe werde ich Ausschnitte davon uploaden.
Bis dahin wird einfach weiter trainiert :)
bis bald


Don't Quit! Do It!

Tuesday 27 March 2007


Oh.It's been ten days since the last post.
We`ve all been busy. A lot of training. A lot of interesting things happened.
First of all, as you can see, I uploaded a bunch of pics of the MUBA event for John.
As I don´t know, which of them he prefers, you get all of it.
Pretty cool, huh?

Second, Mike and me went for a shooting. Shot on Highspeed and in front of a blue box. Very, very funny and interesting.
Soon I will post the final spot. I can hardly wait for it. Dude....I mean...seriously....DUUUUUUUDE....

Saturday 17 March 2007

Muba Basel!

Mike and me have come home from Basel, where we were working at the "Muba"-
"Mustermesse Basel", an exebition with different types of sports.
We could show some basics of Parkour to schoolclasses and let them try out these technics.
It was very interesting seeing children and teachers training with us. It was great fun and a real good experience.
Everybody was enjoying these 60 minutes of Parkour and most of them would have loved to go on for hours.
Training with Ben from Berlin Mike and Steve was the best part of course.
Steve showed us some nice training methods and I'll be trying them out from tomorrow on.
Thanks Steve for the invitation, for all those Döners :) and for the good time!!!
See u soon!
I'm out




Friday 16 March 2007

Print it


so...Playstation published a new magazin called Consoul which is more a lifestyle magazin than an ordinary game magazin.
Our friends, e.g. Steven, Oli and other, and Mike were published. Some pics and little interviews in it.
I think that it's for free. But I'm not quite sure. Watch out, I will post the pics as soon as I get them.
The next week stuff will be coming up. Yeah, don't fuck around, I will blog it, too. Patience.
Johnny is currently on the road and he will tell you what was happening.
Moreover, Johnny and Mike have something to tell. I will kick their ass to make sure they'll inform you all, folks.

I hope ya all doing fine.

Ahh...wait. If you're interested in training with us or sth. got our mail.

big up.

Monday 5 March 2007

Somebody out there?

Just wanted to confirm that Circle is still on the road. A lot of things are going on right now. We will inform you all as soon as possible. What more to say. Weather is better, no more rain, not cold anymore. Flower, sunshine, birds. Just like Alice fucking wonderland. And, hello my old friend allergic coryza.
Hope you´re all doing fine.

Train hard my friends.


Edit 13.47:'s raining...